Jadyn has really been acting like a pickle lately. She has had more time outs in the last 2 days than she ever has. She likes to swing at us when she is mad ( That is a BIG NO NO). She stands in one spot and screams at the top of her lungs. She also tells us off but she is yelling and screaming so loud you can't understand a word she says. The fits are just ridiculous. They are over nothing. For instance, Yesterday we got a new pump for her River Run Water Park. I told her we could go set it up and I was looking for her little boats and stuff that go with it. I was setting the stuff on the floor as I was plucking them out of her toy bin. She grabs the one boat and starts screaming and yelling that she didn't like the boat. I tried to explain to her how it works. Apparently she didn't want to hear it because she picked up her yellow plastic chair and threw it at me. That landed her in time out real fast!! I LOve the kid but she makes me crazy....lol
Jadyn is now in 4T and 5T. I have no idea how or when she decided to skip 3T's but she did. I am now buying her 4T or 5T adjustable shorts and usually a 5T shirt. I guess in the winter we are going to have to buy stretchy waist/jogging pants. She will be way to short for 5T jeans...lol
Jadey still wants NOTHING to do with the potty. She is making me crazy. I know they say not to force them but at what point do they give. She is almost 3. She stays dry all night and for naps. She knows to tell us her diaper needs changed. She tells us when she is peeing or pooping. I have books, sticker charts and treats. I have bought pretty frilly underwear, I have bought Elmo and Hannah Montana underwear. She will go with no diaper but the minute she has to go she yells and screams for a diaper. If you try to get her to go to the potty it is like a mini psycho path is on your hands. She FLIPS!!! We have watched movies. We take her stuffed animals to the potty. We wipe them and clap and fluch the toilet and give them a "pretend" sticker. I have let her go in the bathroom with other kids that use or are starting to use the potty. I don't know how much more I can take. She is going to be the only kid her age/size with a swim diaper on in the pool this summer! She has even almost outgrown the largest size of diaper!